International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education

Volume 5 - Issue 1 (1) | PP: 1 - 7 Language : English

Post Pandemic Readjustment to Traditional Education System: Analyzing Difficulties of University Students and Recommendations

Kholoud Imhammad Al-Mseidin
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
10/4/2023 15/5/2023 24/6/2023 30/6/2023
The recent outburst of COVID-19 has utterly revolutionized the world in every sector of life, be it health, economy, tourism, employment or education. Internet revolution, for the first time, with such pace and potential played the most important role amidst crises. Though, work from home and virtual education system have been existing long before the outburst of COVID-19, however, the rampant and widespread use of internet appeared as a result of global pandemic which mandated social isolation as the most important COVID combating measure. It was the December of 2019, when COVID-19 outburst in the Chinese district of Wuhan and then started spreading to other countries. Along with many other measures to combat the situation, virtual education system was introduced at every level of education; PG, primary, secondary, higher secondary, graduation and post-graduation level. Once, the global expedition for vaccination is launched successfully, and many people got vaccinated as well, and the danger of COVID-19 shattered to an extent, different institutions started to normalize their systems to the pre-COVID-19 era. Readjustment to the traditional education system from virtual/ online education system was also commenced. When the online or virtual education system was launched, it wasn’t adapted without hardships, like learning to use virtual education tools to the problem of the affordability of these tools and access to internet. However, once the whole education system switched to the virtual class system, a call back to the traditional education system came, since the hovering threat of COVID spread was shedding away. To this, the reaction was observed. Many of the students wanted to continue their education with the online/virtual system, for which, they present many reasons. This research paper targets the population of the university students and aims at exploring the difficulties the university students are facing in readjustment to the traditional education system. Also, some recommendations are given to ease the issue of readjustment to the traditional education system keeping in view the targets of educational institutes.

How To Cite This Article
Al-Mseidin , K. I. (2023). Post Pandemic Readjustment to Traditional Education System: Analyzing Difficulties of University Students and Recommendations. International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education, 5 (1), 1-7, 10.31559/CCSE2023.5.1.1

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