International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education

Volume 3 - Issue 1 (3) | PP: 32 - 46 Language : English

The effect of an enrichment unit on climate change awareness and basic science process skills among gifted female primary school students

Fatema Saeed Sanad ,
Fatima Ahmed Aljasim ,
Huda Soud AlHendal
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
7/9/2021 16/9/2021 25/9/2021 4/10/2021
This study investigated how introducing climate change-themed lessons into the curriculum of gifted primary school females in Bahrain affected Climate Change Awareness and Basic Science Process Skills. Students included 40 gifted sixth-grade females divided into two groups: a 20-student experimental group and a 20-student control group. Basic Science Process Skills Activities and Climate Change Awareness Scale were used as the pre- and post-test to measure the science skills and climate change awareness among both groups. The experimental group received the enrichment unit. The Mann-Whitney & Wilcoxon tests showed that Significant differences emerged between experimental and control groups on the climate change awareness scale, but not in the behavioral domain of the scale. Possible explanations are included.

How To Cite This Article
Sanad , F. S.Aljasim , F. A. & AlHendal , H. S. (2021). The effect of an enrichment unit on climate change awareness and basic science process skills among gifted female primary school students . International Journal of Childhood, Counselling, and Special Education, 3 (1), 32-46, 10.31559/CCSE2021.3.1.3

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