How to Avoid Rejecting Your Scientific Research

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Author: Refaad
Date: 09/01/2022

Many new researchers face the problem of refusing publishing their first attempts of written papers despite the time and effort that was spent while writing the paper. This causes many of them to become frustrated and lose their motivation and sense of research.

Reasons for Rejecting Scientific:

While conducting your scientific research, record the smallest details in the paper to understand the reasons behind choosing the journal in order to publish your research and avoid rejection. Furthermore, we have compiled the most important reasons for rejecting your paper below:[1] 

·  The research may not match the content of the journal you have selected for publication, or it may not be attractive enough for the target audience. 

· Do not add anything new in terms of knowledge or application to the chosen field of study.

·   Your research may lack agreed ethical standards.

·  Using poor style in writing the research, or the presence of plagiarism on any of the similar items.

·  Incompatibility of the research with the guidelines of the intended journal.

·  Research failure to keep up with recent developments and related studies, and don't cover all aspects of the topic chosen for the degree.

·  You don't have enough answers to the questions raised in your research.

·  Lack of critical thinking in the methods used in research.

What do you do to ensure that your search is not rejected?

After identifying the reasons that may affect the uptake of your research. Publication, now we know what to do to avoid rejection: [1]

Journal Selection:

Failure to select the right journal to publish research results is one of the top reasons for rejection as the research doesn't fulfill the needs of the target audience.

For example, if your research is about chemistry, don't submit it to a journal that publishes physics topics. Basically, you have to make sure that your research fits well with the target journal.

Submit a Good Research:

Before submitting your academic research, you need to make sure that it is fully prepared and that it meets the target journal's formatting requirements and guidelines as most editorial journals have an "Author's Guide" on the magazine's website. This guide provides the journal's guidelines for conducting scientific research that is compatible with its policy, components and coordination.

Mastering the Research:

When you begin your academic research, you should be interested in presenting research that is polished in every way, stepping up the research, taking care of your organization, and writing it in a good style that goes up to revision, and there is nothing more you can do to make it better. It is bad to ask a professional colleague to look at your research before submitting it in order to make sure the search is error-free with correct grammar.

You can also trust one of the English professional academic writing platforms for this work to improve your writing in English when it isn't your first language in order to avoid rejecting your research because its elements or meanings aren't related to the research.

Research Summary:

The abstract of research is the background showing your editorial work at the magazine publisher, so work on delivering a good summary of your research that will convince the editor of the quality of your research of its importance and its worth of review. Make sure that the message you would like to convey is discussed in your research, suggesting that your research is about the topics you would like to publish in the journal and suggesting that the research you are presenting is unique.

Don't forget to mention the importance of your scientific research and your contribution to science.





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