Requirements for a Good Scientific Research Title

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Author: Refaad
Date: 05/01/2022


Scientific research, research or development experience is an organized method of collecting reliable information, taking notes, and objective analysis of that information by following specific scientific methods and approaches with the intent of verifying their validity modifying or adding new ones to them, and then arriving at some laws and theories and predicting the occurrence of such phenomena and controlling the its causes.

The Importance of the Scientific Research Title:

Scientific research focuses on researching a part of a general subject and pays attention to every detail of the work to achieve the required quality; from the choice of title on wards. Research to summarize scientific research.

Let's talk about the meaning of the research title and the specifications that must characterize scientific research.

Research title expresses the content of your scientific research, the problem it addresses, as well as the message you want to convey to the reader or the information you want to add to a field as it reflects the target topics, so you should be careful and thought twice when choosing the title of your scientific research.

Scientific research title is due to the dissemination of scientific research on the websites and improving their visibility in search engines such as electronic journals, search engines and websites use keywords in the title and search summary to understand the meaning of published paper research; for example, if the research topic is “Biochemistry,” the title and abstract must contain the word; "Biochemistry". [1]

Characteristics of a Good Research Title:

When choosing a title for your scientific research, you should work on choosing a good title that fits the research topic, so you need to consider the specifics of a good research title as summarized in the following points: [1]

· The title is formulated after the study has been written in full, as well as the research summary, which means that the title is the final stage in writing the scientific study.

·  Simplicity and precision in style.

·  The title should be specific, direct, and not complicated.

·  The title should be appropriate to the research topic.

·  Choose an attractive and interesting title. Choose a short and compressed title.

· Choose a unique title.  Avoid using a misleading or fictional title; that is, a title chosen to attract attention, but it does not address the subject of the study. The title should contain the keywords and those words that ranked as important according to the context of the research study.

· Use only six or seven words in the title. Stay away from strange titles that can attract attention, the reader can lose them in a hurry.

· Use seriousness when writing the title, as titles without seriousness are not taken seriously and are not often cited.

·  Avoid titles that are too short as they can lose keywords and reduce the chance of them showing up in search engines.

·  Avoid long titles, which are characterized by complexity and can bore the reader.

· Avoid abbreviations other than standard abbreviations such as; AIDS or DNA. 

Types of Scientific Research Titles:

It is possible to formulate the research title in a number of different ways depending on what you want to convey to the reader.

The types of scientific research titles are divided into: [1]

· A Descriptive Title: this type of title contains the basic elements of the research study such as design, interventions, comparisons and findings. This type of title does not contain the main result of the research. Also, this type is characterized by allowing the reader to interpret the results of the scientific research in an unbiased and impartial manner which gives the reader complete information on the research topic and therefore contains a variety of keywords that will allow the research to appear in search engines so that search engines prefer it.

· An Illustrative Title: the main result of the research study is reflected in the title of the research itself, which leads to a lack of curiosity by the reader, so it is preferable to avoid using it.

· A Question Title: The title comes in the form of a question that raises the subject of research, but the downside is that it can be distracting and is not a preferred title for a scientific research.

How to Write an Academic Research Title:

It is difficult to formulate a good title for your academic research if you are insufficiently familiar with the content of the research or if you are unable to convey in-depth information concisely. One of the conditions for a good scientific research title is: [1]

·  It is formulated in about three sentences that describe the content of the research.

·   The title does not contain the results of the research study.

· Eliminate the necessary adjectives, join words and phrases from the boundary to put the title in one sentence.

·   Finally, the title is edited in about 15 words. it is precise and concise.

·   At the request of some academic journals, you may need to add the study design in the title. This is possible by using the colon after the main title.

· The title should not contain chemical formulas, technical terms, or numerical values, to avoid skipping the reader's article.

Finally, the wishes of scientific journals must be taken into account as additional information can be requested in the title or in the formulation of a short title or a continuum title to be printed in the exam header or footer.


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