Veterinary Medicine and Public Health Journal

Volume 1 - Issue 3 (7) | PP: 102 - 107 Language : English

Pathomorphological studies on mesenchymal and melanocytic neoplasms of cattle

S. Vijayakumar ,
A. W. Lakkawar ,
R. Kumar ,
R.M.D. Alphonse ,
M. G. Nair
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
26/5/2020 12/6/2020 7/7/2020 29/7/2020
The study aimed to establish the occurrence of cutaneous mesenchymal and melanocytic neoplasms from various breeds of cattle belonging to different geographical locations of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu, India. Out of 100 cases with cutaneous growths studied, 89 cases were diagnosed as neoplastic and 11 as non-neoplastic conditions based on gross, histological, and histochemical features. Out of 89 cutaneous neoplasms, 5 (5.61%) cases were mesenchymal and 4 (4.49%) were of melanocytic origin. Grossly, the lesions varied in size, greyish-white to dark in color, solitary to multiple, sessile to pedunculated, cauliflower to rice grain-like, soft to hard in consistency, and occasionally were ulcerated. Histopathologically, proliferating spindle-shaped fibroblasts with oval normochromic nuclei and abundant collagen arranged in whorls were the features in all the mesenchymal neoplasms and were diagnosed as a fibroma. The melanocytic tumors revealed proliferating melanocytes were plump to fusiform with granular hyper-pigmented cytoplasm comprising of melanin and often arranged as nests were accordingly classified as melanoma.

How To Cite This Article
Vijayakumar , S. , A. W. L.Kumar , R.Alphonse , R. & Nair , M. G. (2020). Pathomorphological studies on mesenchymal and melanocytic neoplasms of cattle . Veterinary Medicine and Public Health Journal, 1 (3), 102-107, 10.31559/vmph2020.1.3.7

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