International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies

Volume 6 - Special Issue (The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges and Solutions) (5) | PP: 43 - 49 Language : العربية

The Involvement of Insurance Companies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Mahmoud Mefleh Jarrah ,
Hazem Mohammed Madadha
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
20/10/2024 19/11/2024 25/12/2024 28/1/2025
Objectives: This study aims primarily to alleviate the concerns and fears surrounding the potential impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on the insurance sector. Some people worry that insurance companies will be affected due to the assumption that individuals will no longer drive vehicles themselves, and that all vehicles will be subject to autonomous driving, which will eliminate the possibility of accidents in their view. Methods: The researchers relied on a descriptive methodology to demonstrate how insurance companies can engage with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as well as on an analytical methodology to analyze the technological transformations and their impact on the insurance sector. Results: The study refuted the prediction that insurance businesses would disappear, emphasizing that insurance is necessary and cannot be dispensed with. This is because new technology does not guarantee the complete elimination of accidents. Conclusions: The continuous technological advancements across various aspects of life compel the insurance sector to evolve its operations to align with these developments. Therefore, we recommend that the insurance sector integrate with technological transformations, embrace the ongoing revolution, adapt to its pace, and update and modify insurance policies. Additionally, risk assessments should be approached differently in light of current developments and changes, and new insurance contracts should be designed to suit the demands of the present era.

How To Cite This Article
Jarrah , M. M.& Madadha , H. M. (2025). The Involvement of Insurance Companies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies, 6 (Issue), 43-49,

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