International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies

Volume 6 - Special Issue (The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Challenges and Solutions) (1) | PP: 1 - 7 Language : العربية

The Applicability of International Jurisdiction to Disputes Arising from the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Electronic Liability for Torts as a Model)

Osama Mohammad Khalil
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
3/10/2024 5/11/2024 10/12/2024 28/1/2025
Objectives: This study aims to review traditional international jurisdiction rules to align them with the modern nature of disputes arising from the advancements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The objective of it is to provide suitable solutions that complement the successive generations of this revolution. Methods: The analytical method was adopted to examine the traditional rules governing the jurisdiction of courts over private international relations arising from such actions. Results: The study concluded that significant challenges exist in applying traditional international jurisdiction rules to determine the jurisdiction of national courts in electronic liability cases. These challenges include difficulties in identifying the geographic location of the harmful act and determining the appropriate court based on the domicile or residence of the defendant among other issues highlighted in the paper. Conclusions: These findings will remain ineffective unless national courts proactively address the implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in resolving jurisdictional issues without waiting for legislative interventions. This requires adopting a flexible approach to applying traditional jurisdiction rules by carefully relaxing the rigidity of these procedural norms. It is hoped that scholarly contributions from specialized legal forums, such as this conference, will offer collective doctrinal solutions that assist in judicial resolutions.

How To Cite This Article
Khalil , O. M. (2025). The Applicability of International Jurisdiction to Disputes Arising from the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Electronic Liability for Torts as a Model). International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies, 6 (Issue), 1-7,

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