International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies

Volume 3 - Issue 1 (5) | PP: 73 - 85 Language : العربية

Protecting the Electronic Consumer from Arbitrary Conditions According to Jordanian Law

Sadam Hussein Youssef Alrahamneh
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
14/3/2022 8/4/2022 22/4/2022 16/5/2022
This study aimed to identify the extent to which the electronic consumer is protected from arbitrary conditions according to the Jordanian law, and followed the descriptive approach, which is an arbitrary condition that arises out of or permits arbitrariness to occur. The judge may interpret, modify or exclude the apparent arbitrary clause in order to protect the weak party (the consumer) in the contractual relationship. The Jordanian legislator permitted the court, if the contract was concluded by way of submission and included arbitrary conditions to modify these conditions or exempt the obedient party from them in accordance with the requirements of justice. The study recommended the Jordanian legislator to enact special provisions that give the consumer to abandon consumer contracts in general, both traditional and electronic, within the law of consumer protection, given that the aforementioned option has become an urgent need to protect consumer satisfaction.

How To Cite This Article
Alrahamneh , S. H. Y. (2022). Protecting the Electronic Consumer from Arbitrary Conditions According to Jordanian Law. International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies, 3 (1), 73-85,

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