International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies

Volume 2 - Issue 2 (2) | PP: 87 - 101 Language : العربية

Methods and objectives of terrorist organizations via the Internet and their impact on international security

Kheireddine Laib
Received Date Revised Date Accepted Date Publication Date
12/5/2021 20/6/2021 24/7/2021 15/9/2021
The expansion and proliferation of terrorist organizations in our time poses a dilemma that concerns not only a specific society, region, community, or ethnic group, but all states of the world, whose security and stability have come under the blind threat of terrorism. Methods of dealing with and dealing with terrorism have become one of the most important issues of multifaceted research concerned by the security and police agencies in developed and developing societies. Individuals, peoples, and states are increasingly concerned about the phenomenon of terrorism, which has become alarmingly expanding because of the wide spread of terrorist operations in recent years across the globe. terrorism is no longer limited to individual events of limited time and space. it is a very serious phenomenon that threatens the security and stability of nations, impedes the progress of various development plans, and threatens international peace and security. The study aims to identify the goals of terrorist organizations and their methods through the use of technology and technology in their terrorist acts, the study has relied on the descriptive and analytical approach because it is the most appropriate approach to such studies, and concluded that cyber terrorism is a type of cybercrime more dangerous and deadly than conventional terrorism because it employs precise techniques and Phenomenon and the effects that threaten the security and stability of human society.

How To Cite This Article
Laib , K. (2021). Methods and objectives of terrorist organizations via the Internet and their impact on international security . International Journal of Legal and Comparative Jurisprudence Studies, 2 (2), 87-101,

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