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Source: Refaad
Date: 10/7/2023


This special issue aims to highlight the latest advancements and practical applications of fractional differential equations. This special issue will provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical foundations, numerical methods, and real-world applications of fractional differential equations.


·       Mathematical aspects of fractional differential equations.

·      Numerical methods and algorithms for solving fractional differential equations.

·       Fractional-order control systems and optimization.

·       Fractional modeling in physics, engineering, and biology.

·       Applications of fractional calculus in signal processing and image analysis.

·       Fractional differential equations in finance and economics.

·       Fractional calculus in complex systems and dynamical processes.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Rania Saadeh (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Zarqa University, Jordan).

Dr. Lakhlifa Sadek (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Chouaib Doukkali University, Morocco).

Dr. Ashish Rayal (Department of Mathematics at the School of Applied and Life Sciences (SALS), Uttaranchal University, India).

Submissions Information:  

Manuscripts along with annexes thereto are sent to the journal via journal online submission or via journal email (editorglm@refaad.com). 

Note: Please specify the title of the special issue (Fractional Differential Equations and their Applications) in the subject if you submit by Email or in the cover letter if you submit online. 


Closed (30 Dec 2023)

The author must follow the publication guidelines as the following:  


The Article Processing Charge (APC): 50$ (50% discount on the journal's publishing fees).

Contact Information:  

E-mail: editorglm@refaad.com  

WhatsApp No.: (+962) 7 7057 8271

Special Issue Flyer: (Click Here)

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