Refaad Journals Join the First Arab Citation Index on Web of Science

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Source: Refaad
Date: 22/1/2022

The Arab Citation Index (ARCI) is a new database where you can search the Arab Index of Citations in both Arabic and English. It is hosted on the Web of Science platform.

As part of our endeavor in Refaad for Studies and Research to keep pace with the scientific development in the field of scientific publishing, three of Refaad's journals (International Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, Global Journal of Economics and Business, International Journal of Specialized Islamic Studies) have officially joined the Arab Citation Index (ARCI).

This index will contribute to linking Arab scientific content to the global citation network of high-quality peer-reviewed scientific journals with more than 1.7 billion references cited.

This will lead to a significant increase in the visibility and impact of the research published in Refaad journals globally, which increases the chance of being cited, thus benefiting researchers.

It is noteworthy that Rafaad applied to participate in the Arab Citation Index (ARCI) in the year 2018. The selection of Rafaad journals was made by a neutral international editorial board in accordance with the criteria for selecting scientific journals approved in the Web of Science platform.

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